Pastor Wes
About Us.
We Are All About God's Love.
The World Empowerment Spiritual Center is a non-denominational, multi-ethnic church dedicated to empowering, motivating, and inspiring everyone to love God and receive God’s love and grace every day.
The World Empowerment Spiritual Center is a welcoming place for all regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, or religion. We invite all to come and hear the uplifting, inspiring, motivational, and empowering bible-based messages of our founder, Pastor Wes. Also, we invite all to come and associate with the fantastic members of our Church.
Perhaps you happen to be someone who may have had less than favorable experiences while attending other churches. In that case, we want to extend a special invitation to you to come and experience the loving, caring, and welcoming atmosphere at the World Empowerment Spiritual Center.
The World Empowerment Spiritual Center will expand in several phases.
The World Empowerment Spiritual Center is currently in phase one of its expansion. The PHASE ONE Objectives include:
Establishing an internet presence for our Church by way of social media and
Producing quality videos of our founder Pastor Wes delivering sermons designed to motivate, inspire, uplift, and empower all. We are calling this “PastorWesTV.”
Producing an excellent podcast called “The Wes Podcast,” featuring positive conversations on various topics. Pastor Wes will host the podcast, and the podcast will have a remarkable array of guests who our founder will interview.
Establishing a presence within the community allows for the World Empowerment Spiritual Center, its founder, and its members to assist those in the community who need assistance.
The World Empowerment Spiritual Center will expand in several phases.
The second phase of the World Empowerment Spiritual Center will encompass, solidify and enhance all of the Phase One objectives while also achieving the additional objectives below:
Establishing a physical presence within the community by either renting, purchasing, or building an actual location for church services to be held. This location will be named: The World Empowerment Spiritual Center.
The World Empowerment Spiritual Center will not only be used to hold services, but the Center will also be a gathering place for the community.
We will announce additional phases/objectives at a later date.